10+ Dads Who Said They Didn't Want Cats


Whether they're a staunch "Dog Person" who's drawn a line in the sand or they're a straight-up ailurophobe, anti-cat enthusiasts usually jump at the chance to declare their dislike of the feline species. "They're evil! They're bad luck! They'll scratch your eyes out, kid!

But cats have a funny way of working their magic on people who supposedly hate them ... especially dads!  Here is photographic evidence that the cat hater doth protest too much.

Is the Cat Dad in your life a converted cat lover? Find them the PURRfect Father's Day gift

"No, I don't want to hold the kitten." Said no one ever.


"He claims he doesn’t like cats but currently refusing to disturb sleeping cat to get up and pull the curtains …"


"My Dad, who hates cats, built a bunk bed for my boys."



"My Dad Never Wanted A Cat, And Look At Him Now"


"Dad says he doesn't like the cat, saw this."


"Our cat only loves our dad, who hates her."


"Growing up, my grandpa hated cats and told me that when my cats died I wasn't allowed to get more under his roof. They died. I got another. This is my grandpa."




"Four months ago, Dad didn't even want a cat. Now look at him."

 "My dad doesn't want a cat but the cat definitely wants my dad."



"My dad hates cats. He just sent me this while babysitting my cat."


"My dad swears he hates cats."

"...and he didn't even want a cat." 


"My Friend's Dad Didn't Want A Cat. She Just Sent Me This."

"My grandfather didn't want a cat and now he shares snacks with Tiger (one of the cats he rescued from his barn)."

"My Dad Claims To Hate My Cat. Turns Out He Takes Selfies With Her."

"When your dad says he "doesn't like cats" but you finally convince him to let you get one ... and you end up getting pics like these while you're at work."

Is the Cat Dad in your life a converted cat lover? Find them the PURRfect Father's Day gift



    My husband always was a “dog man,” and had several huskies when he was married to his first wife. He wasn’t too thrilled when our kids were young and we got 2 kittens (who we only had for maybe 6 months or so because our kids were told that if they didn’t do their share of taking care of “their” kitties, they would be given away). When, years later, our 18-yr-old daughter rescued a 1-yr-old cat (and a year later, a kitten), he wasn’t that thrilled. It took a while, but one of the cats was persistent and crept her way into his heart (he was really “sold” on her when she decided to jump into his lap and curl up and fall asleep purring while he was on his computer).

    We lost Grizabella (Grizzie) when she was 4, due to a heart defect, but the other one (a yr younger) lived with us for most of the rest of her life (with a few years spent with my daughter when she moved away). When we got Guinevere (Gwen) back, she was definitely more “my” cat than my husband’s, but you wouldn’t know it from the way he acted. She passed away Aug 13, 2018 at 19-years of age. My husband not only cried when she died, but has tried to get me to get another cat ever since. I had to buy him a stuffed toy cat – soft, with a vibrating massager in it (he’s named it Lancelot), so that he would not pester me as often about it! I love cats, but at my age and with both our back and allergy problems, I am very sadly sticking to my decision to not get another cat.

  • ColleenMP

    My husband says he doesn’t really like cats, prefers dogs but after our dog passed our two cats love him and each have their own special time with him every day. Jan hops into his lap then up on the back of his recliner and pats his ear or face for attention and Cindy loves to have him put some cheddar cheese down and will talk to him to get her some. She also wants petting done when we just get into bed before we go to sleep. So cute?

  • Faye Adams

    My husband who is a “dog” person, or has been a dog person, loves our kitty Beaux. He also grew to love Buttons that we had and Angelgirl whom we had to help over the Rainbow Bridge day after Christmas December 2017. Beaux has been a feral kitty, but with patience and a lot of love, he has really come around to trusting both of us. He has been a work in progress and is getting more domesticated each day. He loves his Mama and Dad!

  • Kathryn

    My father hated cats. Like many Southerners from farming backgrounds and who live in the country, he just thought of cats as mousers.

    Samantha (Sammikins) , a calico/tabby/ white cat arrived at their doorstep in NC at about 9 months old and “in the family way”. Mama wanted to keep Sammi after the kittens found good homes,

    so the day following her arrival on their kitchen steps the next day put a cat flap in my mother’s heated/air conditioned artist’s studio in their backyard (Daddy has allergies precluding housecats)and Sammi could spend her days with Mama while she painted listening to classical music and sleeping on the daybed.She gave birth to 4 lovely kittens who were spoken for before their births

    She also had a heated pod at their back steps. My mother died several years ago. But Sammi lived on. Daddy always spoke to Sammi, heated her wet food and served her a tiny bit of warmed cream at breakfast every morning. Sammi died peacefully in her bed at almost 18 years old, much loved and well tended by my father.

  • jmuhj

    The men on both sides of my family, along with the women and children, have always LOVED cats. I don’t understand anyone not loving them, and while I laughed at these pix and captions, I wish there were no people on earth that did not love cats.

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