Mesmerizing Macro Photos Highlight Colorful Details of Cat Eyes


What isn't there to admire about cats? While most of us cat lovers tend to zero in on how utterly adorable our feline counterparts are, it's good every once and a while to stop and examine the other qualities that make cats simply, well, amazing. That's where photographer Andrew Martilla, known as "I am the Great Went" on Instagram, and a Norwegian photographer that goes by "Tina's Perspective on Life" come in. Their photographs focus on the stunning and admittedly breathtaking color, texture and detail of cat eyes in a series of macro photographs. These photographers capture the ethereal - and at times almost alien - beauty of cats' eyes. But there is much more to see.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. 

via tinasperspective


This is somewhat true for cats, too. 

via tinasperspective

Cats "kiss" with their eyes; a slow blink means they trust you.

via tinasperspective


A cat's pupil can indicate their mood or clue you into their emotions.

via tinasperspective



A thin, slit-like pupil can indicate anger or irritation.

 via tinasperspective


While a wide open pupil is indicative of excitement or interest - sometimes fear.

via iamthegreatwent


A cat's unwavering, unblinking stare is used to communicate dominance to other cats. 

via iamthegreatwent



While cats cannot see in total darkness, they can see in very low light as their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells, which are more sensitive to low light, than humans do.

Via iamthegreatwent 



Cats can see clearly with only one-sixth of the illumination humans need to see.

via iamthegreatwent



  • Franny

    My kitty cat eyes should be in this too, also very beautiful blue.

  • Amanda

    That one looks like the eye of Sauron.

  • jmuhj

    Absolutely beautiful and so expressive!

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