10 Comics That Will Make Cat Parents Say "That's My Life"
If you're a cat owner, you know that cats are the best pets you can own. Cats give us a lot of love, affection, companionship, and are generally amazing creatures. But they're also a handful! If you're a cat parent, chances are you can relate to at least one of these all-too-relatable comics.
PS - you can subscribe to our daily Milton the Cat Comics e-mail and receive a comic straight to your inbox every day!
1. As all cat parents know: cats don't have owners, they have staff.
2. Most cat parents fall victim to the whims of indecisive felines:
3. All those adventure cats online made it look so easy!
(Ps. Here are some tips for harness training your cat for safe & fun walks outside!)
4. You don't share your bed with your cat, your cat shares THEIR bed with you.
5. When your schedules conflict:
6. Or the daily Working from Home struggles;
7. When you REALLY wish your cat could understand IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I PROMISE!!
8. Or when your cats wonder where you get the AUDACITY:
9. The fact that they're always watching. ALWAYS.
10. And that they somehow know the exact place to sit to keep you wanting more.
Why is it so TRUE!
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