Tails from the Crypt: We Want To Hear Your Creepiest Cat Ghost Stories!


We want to hear your Paranormal Cativity stories!

Halloween is just around the corner! And whether you're in it for the candy, the costumes or the scares, the spookiest day of the year is the purrfect time to share some ghost stories. We want to hear yours!

So gather ‘round the digital campfire and share your unexplained stories with us. The only catch is your Tail from the Crypt has to involve a cat. If your cat has a sixth sense for the spooky, we want to hear about it.

Post your spooky Halloween cat in the comments section below or on the Meowingtons Facebook and you could be featured in a Meowingtons Halloween blog post!

Does your cat ever suddenly stop and stare into space?


Maybe they get all huffy and puffy out of the blue.



Do they growl at something that's not even there? 



Or maybe they are growling at something (or someone) you can't see ...  



Share your stories with us!

For inspiration, here's Buzzfeed's Adam Ellis' chilling "proof' that his cats can see the unseen.

A ghost apparently called "Dear David" is reportedly haunting the comic artist's apartment, and his cats are helping him figure it out.




It doesn't stop there. There's video evidence of his cat's strange reactions to something in the apartment that can't be seen.




Did you see the green jar move?! 

There is also video of Ellis' cat, Maxwell, swatting at something that the camera couldn't pick up. Was it a bug? Or was it Dear David?



Post your spooky Halloween cat in the comments section below or on Facebook and you could be featured in a Meowingtons blog post!


halloween cat costumes outfits for cats black cat costume black cat dress cat skirt diamond cat earrings cat ring


 Featured image illustration by Emilio Alarcón



  • Linda Key

    Well, I don’t know if this would count as scary but here it goes.

    My sweet angel Misty is dark, dark grey and about a few years ago after my father died, Misty almost gave me a heart attack.

    Misty went out for the evening and as it got dark and colder I looked for her, but could not find her and I thought for a moment that she was on the prowl in the neighbourhood getting used to her new surroundings. So I went back inside and got warm. Just then I heard the rain lashing down, so I quickly went out and called for her. I went “MIS-” and she came barrelling into the hallway as I finished, “-TY”

    I just noticed that she was sitting on top of a dark, dark, grey bin that was out for the trash that day and she had been sitting on top of that. I called her “The Invisible Cat” because she had camouflaged with the dark, dark grey bin. It scared the life out of me!

  • Linda Key

    Well, I don’t know if this would count as scary but here it goes.

    My sweet angel Misty is dark, dark grey and about a few years ago after my father died, Misty almost gave me a heart attack.

    Misty went out for the evening and as it got dark and colder I looked for her, but could not find her and I thought for a moment that she was on the prowl in the neighbourhood getting used to her new surroundings. So I went back inside and got warm. Just then I heard the rain lashing down, so I quickly went out and called for her. I went “MIS-” and she came barrelling into the hallway as I finished, “-TY”

    I just noticed that she was sitting on top of a dark, dark, grey bin that was out for the trash that day and she had been sitting on top of that. I called her “The Invisible Cat” because she had camouflaged with the dark, dark grey bin. It scared the life out of me!

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