8 Spooky Facts About Black Cats


There are few cats that are as iconic as the black cat. Especially when Halloween rolls around. What would our Halloween decorations be without a yowling black cat with its back arched and fur standing on end? And what would our Halloween costumes be like without at least one girl gettin' spooky with it as an iconic Black Cat? 


While there are tons of superstitions swirling around the much maligned - and also much beloved - black cat, there are just as many interesting facts that make them unique.

1. Black cats’ bad rep stems from the Middle Ages.

Pope Gregory IX decided that black cats were used to worship the devil and saw them as evil creatures. The belief only continued to spread across the world - and the ages. Thanks, Greg. 


2. Black cats were often thought to be witches’ familiars.

The Puritans (circa 1600s) believed that witches could actually shape-shift into black cats and spy on their neighbors.


3. Black cats were thought to be a sailor's best friend.

Sailors and their wives saw black cats as guardians of safe passage. These inky felines were seen as harbingers of such good fortune that they became a hot commodity, and some sailors couldn’t even afford to buy them.


4. In Ireland, Cait Sidhe, pronounced “caught shee,” were mythical, fairy-like creatures who took the form of large, all-black cats were said to be the King of the Cats. 

On the night of Samhain (a Celtic festival similar to Halloween), if you left a saucer of milk out for the fairy cat, your house would be blessed. If no milk was left for the mysterious black cat, you would be cursed and all your cows' milk would dry up.



5. They are said to be "super cats."

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health discovered that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats may offer them some protection from diseases. 


6. They can rust.

All right, so your black cat won't actually rust if you leave them out in the rain. They will complain VERY loudly, though. But if your black cat has a tabby stripe gene and spends hours napping in a sunbeam, their fur can turn a rusty brown color. Why? The sun’s rays break down the pigment in their fur to reveal the underlying tabby stripes.


7. Black cats make excellent wingmen.

In Japan, young women are encouraged to own black felines to increase their chance of romance. And in the English Midlands, giving a bride the gift of a black cat was thought to bring her good luck. 



8. Black cats are often overlooked for adoption.

Black cats are often the last to get adopted and may be passed over for cats of other colors despite the fact that they're just cats like any other cat. It could be because of the superstitions surrounding their inky fur or the belief that black cats are harder to photograph.

Do you love black cats? Let us know in the comments! 


  • Ann

    I’m on my second black cat. I’ve always liked the sleek and glossy look of a black cat’s coat. It’s also been my experience that they have mellow and laid-back personalities.

    My first black cat was Bagheera, as in the panther from “The Jungle Book.” He weighed 17 pounds and was the biggest cat I’ve ever had.

    My current black cat is named Shelby, and I got her from the Humane Society when she was not quite two. The poor thing had been there for nearly a year because nobody wanted a black cat.

    I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ve read that the movie “Black Panther” caused a spike in black cat adoptions and that a lot of people named their cats after cats in the movie.

  • Preston

    I have a black kitten now and her name is Olive. She wasnt my first choice but I got her because the kitten I was supposed to get a white and grey striped one he died in an unfortunate accident so i got her sister. However, i love her so much and is she is so sweet and loving. She is quite a character. This is my second black cat. My first one Grand Master Flash was an awesome cat as well he was inside/outside cat my Olive is an indoor cat. I love it when she does the spooky cat look.

  • Mylan Roland

    I absolutely adored my black cat. She was the best. Fun fiesty flirty and best of all her name was Minq (mink) !

  • Mylan Roland

    I absolutely adored my black cat. She was the best. Fun fiesty flirty and best of all her name was Minq (mink) !

  • Lil

    I have a gorgeous kitty called Nightstar (shout out to all the worst witch fans #ETHELHALLOW) she’s a pretty torty but with a lot of black and less ginger with a little cream tip on her tail (😻) yeah GET UR ACT TOGETHER IDIOTS black cats ARE NOT bad luck and even if they were I would adopt as many as I could (I’m a “trainee witch” 🦇🐺🦇 😈😈😈) cos they are just adorable 😻😻😻😻😻

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