15 Cats Celebrating Star Wars Day in Style


In a galaxy far, far away ... Actually, scratch that. It's not so far away. It's right here, right meow: Star Wars Day. And these planet-hopping, warp-speeding, highly adorable space kitties know how to celebrate this most epic of days in style! May the Fourth be with Mew. 

BB-Ate too many treats ... 

Via Willow The Squishy Cat, Instagram

 "Come to the Dark Side ... We have tuna." 

Emersonrae_meow, Instagram


Emerson is from the forest moon of Endor and is all about that #YubNub life.

Via emersonrae_meow, Instagram


"Adopt me, Obi-Wan!"


"Do or do not give me treats. There is no try."

Via PudgeTheCat, Instagram


The saddest Ewok to be adopted from the forest moon of Endor ever )': 

via Instagram


"What I do, R2-D2 do, too!"



 "Use the Force (to get me tuna), Luke."

Via hollysisson, Instagram


All this sad li'l Wampa wants is three, exactly THREE, pets. 

Via grizzlygrizwald, Instagram


"I'm just here for the Yub Nub." 

Via springandsunshine, Instagram


"Coughed up hairball in your shoes, I have." 

Via spunkyandthegang, Instagram


If AT-ATs were actually CAT-CATs.


*The Impurrial March begins playing in the background* 

And last but not least, Kylo Meow trying to convince Rey to come to the Dark Side. #yeahright

Via Cat-Cosplay, Tumblr


And of course, Milton had to get in on the fun and, you know, try to conquer the universe while he's at it. 




  • Krista

    I love it! Kitties and Star Wars😘

  • Karen Chapman

    Very, very cute!

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