11-year-old Girl Writes 6-page Report to Convince Parents to Adopt a Cat


11-year-old Romesa took up the well-worn banner of thousands of petless children everywhere when she penned an epic, 6-page report on why her parents should let her adopt a cat. 

"I thought I would write a report about a cat because that's what I really want," she told Buzzfeed. Romesa added that she loves to write, so it was easy to come up with the six pages. Using her skills and trusty ol' Google, she wrote the report up in an hour.   

Rimsha, Romesa's older sister, shared her sister's report on Twitter. 

Romesa's essay extols the numerous benefits of adopting a cat from a medical, physical and even emotional standpoint, citing that cats can warn you about seizures, they're good for developing kids' self-esteem and socialization, and that if you own a cat, you're about 8% less likely to have to see a doctor.

Needless to say, folks on Twitter were impressed.


Romesa also added “It will also help me to get off my electronics because I will have a cute friend to play with," noting that her parents are always asking her to put down her electronic devices. Clever girl!  

The young cat-owner-to-be didn't pull any literary punches and went right for the heartstrings. She wrote that “having a cat to play with will make me feel less lonely,” and that it would "make me and Api happy." 


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Romesa even tells her parents point-blank, "I just really want a cat because it would just change my life." We couldn't agree more! For good measure and a bit of masterful guilt-tripping, Romesa added, "Who doesn't want their own children to be happy?" Signed with a tactful, "Your Dear Old Lovely Daughter."


This girl even played the religion card! She really pulled out all the stops.


Romesa said she'd like a Persian cat because they're "fluffy," but really wants to rescue one from a shelter, “so I could save a cat because that’s really important to me.”

Older sister Rimsha tells Buzzfeed that the chances of Romesa's successes are at about 80%.

All we can say is, come on, Mom and Dad! Get that kid a cat! It is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, after all. The timing couldn't be more purr-fect!


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[h/t Buzzfeed]


  • Grandma Sally

    Do get that girl a cat. They will be good for each other! It sounds like she would take good care of a cat companion.

  • jmuhj

    Romesa is my HEROINE! And besides that, she’s absolutely RIGHT in everything she says. I hope and pray that she is now enjoying the company of an unconditionally loyal and loving CAT.

  • Connie Zollinger

    Please, please let us know if Romesa got her beloved cat.
    And post a picture. What a lovely young lady. You should be proud.

  • Alicia


  • Sherryl

    Mom Dad any child that would do a 6 page essay on why she should have a cat would make a perfect cat mom. that took work to do the essay.
    Please get ur little girl have a cat. would love to see what cat she picks out

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