Why Are Black Cats Considered Bad Luck?


Go to any store selling Halloween decorations and I guarantee will see a black cat looking scary somewhere. Have you ever wondered what the deal is? Why are cats 'bad luck' and associated with Halloween?  

Turns out, black cats were considered a symbol of bad omens or being part of the which family. They claimed witches transformed themselves into black cats in order to prowl streets unobserved. So unless you still consider witchcraft a thing or believe humans can change themselves into animals then you can stop believing black cats are bad luck. That age old tale is over and they actually are even considered lucky in Australia and a few other countries.  

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

Here are some amazing black cat facts that will most hopefully change your view on this so-called 'spooky' pet!

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

1. They can  rust. 

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

Well, if they sit in the sun too long their fur changes to a reddish dark brown. They  call this 'rusting'. It usually goes back to normal black once the cat's melanin levels return to normal levels. This likely happens with outdoor cats or window lovers.

2. They are super cats.

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

According to research, black cats tend to have a higher resiliency against illness and diseases.

3. They have fire eyes.

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

These cats have so much melanin that it causes their irises to be golden/yellow! 

4. They are not bad luck! 

why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts

Hug a black cat this month ! 


why are black cats bad luck? Meowingtons black cat facts


  • Kym Gwathney

    I love kitties of all colors and sizes! My first kitty ever was a beautiful black cat so simply named “Blackie” but she was much more than a cat to me. She was my best friend, and my protector! They are not bad luck, they are beautiful.

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