10 Completely Sane Ways To Celebrate Being a Crazy Cat Lady

It's National Cat Lady Day. And it’s time to admit the truth: You’re a crazy cat lady. Say it with me: I’m a crazy cat lady. Feels good, doesn't it?
Every other day of the year, cat ladies get the short end of the stick. We're labeled as old maid spinsters who wear frumpy sweaters and don't get out enough. But we don't think that's fair. So-called "crazy cat ladies" are just ladies who happen to really, really like cats and would do anything for their beloved furry family members.
Founded by CatCon creator, Susan Michals, National Cat Lady Day is meant to emphasize the modern Cat Lady as a powerful, independent and caring figure who's not defined solely by the furry company she keeps, or how many cats she may have. So, yeah, call me a cat lady?
We think this fierce love and dedication should be celebrated.
There's no better day than National Cat Lady Day to get started on this celebration and spend your day the cat lady way. Here are 10 completely sane ways to celebrate being a crazy cat lady!
1. Start the morning off on the right paw - do some yoga with your cat.
Just don't call it Downward Facing Dog in their presence.
2. Get a huff of your cat's fluff.
Because cats smell good. And cat huffing is definitely a thing.
3. Treat yourself to a cat-purr-cino - before your cat can steal a sip!
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's caffeine. And, like, three cats.
Click here to shop this mug on Meowingtons!
4. Remember that some of the most fashionable women were cat ladies.
"I've always been mad about cats." - Vivien Leigh, the famous English actress best known for starring in the 1939 adaptation of Gone with the Wind.
5. Choreograph a dance routine featuring you and your cat.
We know you've got the moves. This is especially fun right meow with us being stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus!
6. Take a break and blow some bubbles with your cat. Because why not?
Who doesn't love blowing bubbles?! Your cat will love Milton's Catnip Bubbles. It's simple math: Bubbles + Catnip + Cat = Instant fun.
7. Celebrate with your fellow cat ladies!
Put on your best feline fashion and get ready to paw-ty.
Via courtneyjane_27/Instagram
8. Post one of the million photos you have of your cat on Instagram (or Facebook or Twitter).
The world needs to know who you are - and who your cats are!
9. If you're a cat lady sans the cat, visit a cat cafe or your local shelter and pet some cats!
You won't regret it - and the kitties in the shelter will love some good company. Note: while you might not be able to visit these kitties in person right now due to social distancing restrictions, they can still use your help. Consider reaching out to your local shelter or animal rescue to see how you can help.
10. Drink some wine with your cat!
Because it's not drinking alone if it's with your cat! Featuring our Caturday T-Shirt!
Photo: msmakayla_marie
(No, really. You can actually drink wine with your cats! Pinot Meow Cat Wine is a catnip-infused non-alcoholic drink that your cat can enjoy while you sip on a glass of Pinot Noir. )
So if you're a cat lady on National Cat Lady Day, treat yourself - and the object of your not-so-lowkey obsession - to a day of cheers and celebration. You both deserve it!
I have a beautiful Seal Point Siamese 20 year old cat named Lucy whom I just luv to death. I’ve only had Siamese cats & just luv their unique personality.
Take care Coreen
I love this story.. I have a handsome grey and white kitty named Smokey T and a beautiful calico kitty named Katia. I admit I am a crazy cat lady and love it.
I have a Spinks hairless cat, that I rocked to sleep every night. LOL does that qualify me for a crazy cat lady?
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